Eu AMEI esse video; nunca ri TANTO/
Pra melhorar, tem legenda em ingles pra gringa entender o video.
sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009
sábado, 25 de julho de 2009
Hey everybody.
A friend of mine, Claudia made the blog about Bom Dia Meu Nome Eh Vadia, a daily news about some shit that we used to do in 2008. Good times...
So, before the BDMNEV exist, in 2007 we used to be just P3, the Power of Three, based in Charmed. And it was just Me, Claudia and Allan.
Well, one of those days I found in Allan's orkut that photo of his.

That was the first time we actually had some quality time together out of school :DD
We went to Six Seven, do you remember? Allan threw out in there LOL.
Wow, really nostaugic of my part.
See you guys later.
(why I always post in the dawn?)
A friend of mine, Claudia made the blog about Bom Dia Meu Nome Eh Vadia, a daily news about some shit that we used to do in 2008. Good times...
So, before the BDMNEV exist, in 2007 we used to be just P3, the Power of Three, based in Charmed. And it was just Me, Claudia and Allan.
Well, one of those days I found in Allan's orkut that photo of his.

That was the first time we actually had some quality time together out of school :DD
We went to Six Seven, do you remember? Allan threw out in there LOL.
Wow, really nostaugic of my part.
See you guys later.
(why I always post in the dawn?)
quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009
Friendship, brotherhood, best mates, family
It's always so hard to say goodbye. Who never passed through something that came to its end?
Every end is at the same time a new beginning. That's how we should thing, but it's not always that easy to see things like that... Usually people try to avoid it until the last moment, or just don't think about The End. It's easier, I know, but eventually we'll have to face it, being ready or not.
When we finally realize that things are not going to be the same, you soon imagine that your world will fall apart, and then you start looking to yourself and thinking if what you had done was enough, if you really made it worth.
Then you have to relax, take your time (LOL), because despite being hurtful, it is, in fact, really important to feel the loss you had. So you can pull yourself back together again and find hope again. Life is all about falling into darkness and people who give you wings for you to fly back into the sky. What we have to do is learn with those falls.
And these people who give you wings, who jump off a cliff to save you, these are your true friends. Because you'd do the same a thousand times for them as well.
But what if we haven't done enough for those guys? Actually, in the end, they doesn't need much. Just being there for them, hugging them it's well worth.
Finally, no matter where you go, I'll always be there, and I'll always take you with me. Because we are not just friends, we are FAMILY.
PS: I love you guys.
domingo, 19 de julho de 2009
Ferias improdutivas
Galera, hoje posto em Pt mesmo, em homenagem a minha futura aluna Larissa; AKA lary.
Agora sao 3h44 da madruga e meus olhos tao pior que de maconhero, mas ca estou aqui; super ser ter oq fazer; msn + msk + madrugada as vezes fazem tu ter aqueles insights sobre a vida; ou sobre coisas estupidas mesmo, que vao se desenvolvendo.
Ontem estava eu falando com a sensei Ias no msn, madrugada, mesmoa coisa. Ai eu disse super por falar mesmo: gnt, essas ferias tao muito improdutivas.
Puff, e da-lhe brainstorm.
O que eh ser produtivo? seria deixar sua marca no mundo, ou algo filantropico do tipo, para mim. Eh engracado como sair com os amigos eh otimo e tal. Mas eh algo tao momentaneo...
O que eu fiz em prol da Terra, em prol do outro? Eh certo que ainda estou em processo de formacao de carater, e eh necessario ter uma certa dose de egoismo para amadurecer nessa fase. O que pode acabar se tornando uma desculpa.
Pensando mais abertamente, o que eu fiz de produtivo na minha vida inteira?
Estou sendo capacitado para ser um cidadao instruido e qualificado para a minha vida. Mas e o agora?
Vivemos planejanto o futuro quando pensamos sobre assuntos do genero. Ou deixamos as coisas pra pensar depois. O que esquecemos eh que o futuro eh o hoje de amanha.
Pode parecer confuso, mas reflita sobre isso.
E veja se soh as ferias eh que estao sendo improdutivas.
Parafraseando MJ, vamos todo mundo heal the world, e make it better place for you and or me and the entire human race.
Make a beter world for you and for me.
Agora sao 3h44 da madruga e meus olhos tao pior que de maconhero, mas ca estou aqui; super ser ter oq fazer; msn + msk + madrugada as vezes fazem tu ter aqueles insights sobre a vida; ou sobre coisas estupidas mesmo, que vao se desenvolvendo.
Ontem estava eu falando com a sensei Ias no msn, madrugada, mesmoa coisa. Ai eu disse super por falar mesmo: gnt, essas ferias tao muito improdutivas.
Puff, e da-lhe brainstorm.
O que eh ser produtivo? seria deixar sua marca no mundo, ou algo filantropico do tipo, para mim. Eh engracado como sair com os amigos eh otimo e tal. Mas eh algo tao momentaneo...
O que eu fiz em prol da Terra, em prol do outro? Eh certo que ainda estou em processo de formacao de carater, e eh necessario ter uma certa dose de egoismo para amadurecer nessa fase. O que pode acabar se tornando uma desculpa.
Pensando mais abertamente, o que eu fiz de produtivo na minha vida inteira?
Estou sendo capacitado para ser um cidadao instruido e qualificado para a minha vida. Mas e o agora?
Vivemos planejanto o futuro quando pensamos sobre assuntos do genero. Ou deixamos as coisas pra pensar depois. O que esquecemos eh que o futuro eh o hoje de amanha.
Pode parecer confuso, mas reflita sobre isso.
E veja se soh as ferias eh que estao sendo improdutivas.
Parafraseando MJ, vamos todo mundo heal the world, e make it better place for you and or me and the entire human race.
Make a beter world for you and for me.
terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009
Viva la vida
It's funny how much I love Viva la Vida... I just can stop listening to it.
It makes me calm, melancholic. Also reminds me of Ramsgate, I really don't know why, but really sounds like it.
Uau, and when Sony made a call for Grey's Anatomy, one huge passion of mine, with that song. What a combo!
So, here comes the videoclip. Enjoy!
It makes me calm, melancholic. Also reminds me of Ramsgate, I really don't know why, but really sounds like it.
Uau, and when Sony made a call for Grey's Anatomy, one huge passion of mine, with that song. What a combo!
So, here comes the videoclip. Enjoy!
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